General enquiries can be sent to

Committee Members respectfully ask that you make contact with us after normal business hours.

Chairperson John Tyner 086 2755255

Vice-Chairperson Michael Doyle 086 8269096

Covid-19 Contact Officer John Tyner 086 2755255

Secretary Eucharia Chambers 087 9085341

Treasurer Pauline Harrington 086 1687796

Vice-Treasurer Carrie Jeffers 087 9816718

Training Officer Brian Payne 087 2463944

P.R.O. Peter Fehily086 8269096

Environmental Officer Eoin Fitzgibbon 086 2463436

Website Administrator Rosemary O’Leary

Thursday Morning Officer Robert Wilmot 086 830 5659

Walking Guide Pat Downing 086 604 3550

Walking Guide Thomas Gaffney 087 284 3719

Walking Guide Tadhg O’Leary 086 239 5754

Walking Guide Pat Fitzgerald 087 1379468

Walking Guide Michael Crowley 087 2964081

Walking Guide Michael Doyle 086 8269096

Walking Guide Liam Dorney 087 2811456