Bandon Hillwalking Club, Co. Cork was established in 2009. The club provides an opportunity for members to enjoy guided walks through the scenic mountains and valleys of Cork, Kerry, Tipperary and Waterford. Walks to further afield also take place throughout the year. The club has over 220 members and is affiliated to Mountaineering Ireland.
Walks take place bi-weekly & are graded to suit different levels of fitness & ability. For details please see the Walk Schedule page.
Local walks around the roads and byroads take place on alternate Thursdays
New members are always welcome. Please find application details on our Club Rules information page. If you have any queries, please email We also accept as associate members walkers from clubs affiliated with Mountaineering Ireland.
As well as pursuing a healthy life style and improved fitness, our members enjoy the friendly and social aspects of the club so get up, get active and have some fun with the Bandon Hillwalking Club!